Virtual Walks in New York City

Virtual tour pricing is based on the size of your group, the length of the presentation, and (to some extent) the technical demands of the presentation. Presentations begin at $150; please contact us with information about your needs and we'll quote you a price.

In-person tours begin at $250-$300 per group. Contact us for details.

Stops included in each virtual tour are subject to change.


​Michelle Nevius Tours

immigration and

the lower east side

Between 1892 and 1924, 12 million people passed through Ellis Island; two-thirds of them went immediately to Manhattan's Lower East Side. Some stayed just a few weeks before moving on; others settled and became a part of the fabric of New York City. This tour explores historic patterns of immigration in the city, from the Germans and Irish in the mid-19th century through the waves of Eastern European and Jewish immigrants and the peak years of Ellis Island. We explore architecture, culture, religion, food, along with the area's relationship with Manhattan's burgeoning Chinatown.

This presentation mixes contemporary and historic photographs to show tenement life, street markets, sweat shops, labor rallies, and the great mix of people that jammed Manhattan's most crowded neighborhood.

Featured on the tour: Typical tenement housing * traditional Jewish food vendors (and their modern successors) * the Henry Street Settlement * the Jewish Daily Forward building * Seward Park and the Seward Park Library * storefront synagogues * the Eldridge Street synagogue * the Williamsburg Bridge * the Kletzker Brotherly Aid Association * the Bialystoker Synagogue * Kahila Kedosha Janina

Hester Street ca. 1900