Virtual Walks in New York City

Virtual tour pricing is based on the size of your group, the length of the presentation, and (to some extent) the technical demands of the presentation. Presentations begin at $150; please contact us with information about your needs and we'll quote you a price.

In-person tours begin at $250-$300 per group. Contact us for details.

Stops included in each virtual tour are subject to change.


​Michelle Nevius Tours

the Lenox Lounge


Once a farming community—miles from New York’s population center—Harlem developed rapidly at the turn of the 20th century with the coming of the subway before becoming the center of African-American culture in the city.

This tour includes country estates, tenements, middle-class townhouses, collegiate buildings, and a tremendous variety of church design. In addition to looking at the Harlem Renaissance and the Great Migration, this tour focuses on the area's architecture, from Alexander Hamilton's final home, "The Grange," to City College to the elegant homes of Striver's Row. We'll also look at how rapid gentrification has changed Harlem—both for good and ill—over the last two decades.

Featured on the tour:  The Hamilton Heights historic district * Hamilton Grange (Alexander Hamilton’s 1802 home) * City College * St. Nicholas Park * the King Model Houses (aka “Striver’s Row”) * Abyssinian Baptist Church * AME Zion Church * Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture * Harlem YMCA * St. Philip’s Church * sites associated with Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and greats of the Harlem Renaissance * the Apollo Theater * lost pieces of Harlem history, like the Renaissance Ballroom and Lafayette Theater